Lachlan Miller

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Writing A Type Safe Store

In this article we explore some advanced TypeScript while building a type safe store with a similar API to Pinia or Vuex 5 (which is still in the RFC stage). I learned a lot of what was needed to write this article by reading the Pinia source code.

You can find the source code here.

The goal will be a defineStore function that looks like this:

export const useMainStore = defineStore({
  state: {
    counter: 0,
  actions: {
    inc(val: number = 1) {
      this.state.counter += val

The store can then be used by simply calling useMainStore():

  <p>Count is: {{ state.counter }}</p>
  <button @click="click">Inc</button>

<script lang="ts">
import { computed } from 'vue'
import { useMainStore, useOtherStore } from './index2'

export default {
  setup() {
    const store = useMainStore()
    return {
      click: () =>,
      state: store.state,

The primary goal is to explore some advanced TypeScript types.


We will start of with defineStore. It needs to be generic to be type safe - in this case, both the state and actions needs to be declared as generic parameters:

function defineStore<
  S extends StateTree,
  A extends Record<string, Method>
>(options) {
  // ...

We will also need a few utility types - StateTree and Method. Method is simple:

type Method = (...args: any[]) => any;

StateTree isn't much more complex - it's basically typing a JavaScript object, where the key can be a string, number or symbol:

export type StateTree = Record<string | number | symbol, any>;

Typing the Store Options

defineStore takes an object of options - state and actions. state is very easy to type - it's just S:

function defineStore<
  S extends StateTree,
  A extends Record<string, Method>
>(options: {
  state: S,
}) {

actions is a bit more tricky. We know it's going to be a type of A, the second generic type passed to defineStore, but it also needs to have knowledge of this. Specifically, it needs to know that this.state exists, and state is a typed as S.

The way this is typed is using an intersection type (&) and ThisType. We need something similar to the example in the docs:

actions: A & ThisType<A & _STORE_WITH_STATE_>

We just need to declare _STORE_WITH_STATE_. We could do it inline:

actions: A & ThisType<A & { state: S }>

Putting it all together:

export type StateTree = Record<string | number | symbol, any>;
function defineStore<
  S extends StateTree,
  A extends Record<string, Method>
>(options: {
  state: S,
  actions: A & ThisType<A & { state: S }>
}) {
  // ...

I'd like to add more features to the store later, so I am actually going to extract a type, StoreWithState:

type StoreWithState<S extends StateTree> = {
  state: S

export type StateTree = Record<string | number | symbol, any>;
function defineStore<
  S extends StateTree,
  A extends Record<string, Method>
>(options: {
  state: S,
  actions: A & ThisType<A & StoreWithState<S>>
}) {
  // ...

Now this in actions is typed! Let's move on to implementing the actual store.

Implementing useStore and Reactive State

The first thing we need is a store with a state property. Create that (defineStore is shown without the types for simplicity):

function defineStore(options) {
  const initialStore = {
    state: options.state || {}

defineStore should return a function. I will call it useStore, and it needs to return what we are going to type as Store:

function defineStore(options) {
  const initialStore = {
    state: options.state || {}

  return function useStore(): Store<S, A> {
    // ...

Typing Store is a bit tricky. It needs to expose a state property, as well as all the methods (which we are calling "actions" here). We want the arguments to those methods to be typed, too. We already have a StoreWithState type - we also need a StoreWithActions type.

The Store type looks like this:

type Store<
  S extends StateTree,
  A extends Record<string, Method>
> = StoreWithState<S> & S & StoreWithActions<A>;

Typing Actions and Inferring Parameters

Before we write the type, we should figure out what we are actually typing:

const actions = {
  inc(val: number = 1) {
    this.state.counter += val

We don't care too much about the body of the function - just the parameters. If we describe actions in plain English, it would be "a key value object. If the value exists, and it's a function, infer the type of the arguments and return type". Or something like that.

Let's start with "a key value object":

type StoreWithActions<A> = {
  [k in keyof A]: any

This infers the methods exists. useMainStore().inc is typed, but not as a function. Let's fix that:

type StoreWithActions<A> = {
  [k in keyof A]: (...args: any[]) => any

Now we know it's a function. But the parameters still aren't typed! We need to infer them - to infer a function has parameters, though, we first need to validate that it is actually a function:

type StoreWithActions<A> = {
  [k in keyof A]: A[k] extends (...args: infer P) => infer R
    ? /* type */
    : /* the key does not exist, or it's not a method */

We use extends to see if A[k] (in this case, actions['inc']exists, and is a method - that is to say, it has arguments and returns a type. We don't know the type, so we *infer* it.inferis kind of like a generic type, except we are creating it based on a type that already exists. If we did not useinfer`, we'd get an error "cannot find name P", since TypeScript would be expecting us to provide that parameters.

Finish of the type:

type StoreWithActions<A> = {
  [k in keyof A]: A[k] extends (...args: infer P) => infer R
    ? (...args: P) => R
    : never

This is definitely an advanced type. It combines conditional types (using extends) and infer. This is the most complex type in the store.

Creating the Store Object

Now that we finished the types, we can actually implement the store. Inside of useStore create a store variable:

function defineStore(options) {
  const initialStore = {
    state: options.state || {}

  return function useStore(): Store<S, A> {
    const store: Store<S, A> = reactive({
    }) as Store<S, A>

This has type errors - we need to provide an object typed as StoreWithActions. We need the actions to be called with store as the this context, so we can do this.state. This means we will wrap the actions and call them with apply, passing store as the first argument. For this reason the variable is called wrappedActions and typed as StoreWithActions<A>:

function defineStore(options) {
  const initialStore = {
    state: options.state || {}

  return function useStore(): Store<S, A> {
    const wrappedActions: StoreWithActions<A> = {} as StoreWithActions<A>

    const store: Store<S, A> = reactive({
    }) as Store<S, A>

    return store

A bit messy, but it works. Finally, we just need to wrap the actions. First, type it:

const wrappedActions: StoreWithActions<A> = {} as StoreWithActions<A>
const actions = (options.actions || {}) as A
for (const actionName in actions) {
  wrappedActions[actionName] = function() {

  } as StoreWithActions<A>[typeof actionName]

Again, a bit messy. We need the as StoreWithActions<A>[typeof actionName] to get the correct typing. This paralells the [k in keyof A] typing we did earlier in StoreWithActions.

Finally, call the original actions[actionName] with apply, passing in store as the this context:

function defineStore(options) {
  // ...
  return function useStore(): Store<S, A> {
    const wrappedActions: StoreWithActions<A> = {} as StoreWithActions<A>
    const actions = (options.actions || {}) as A

    for (const actionName in actions) {
      wrappedActions[actionName] = function(...args: any[]) {
        return actions[actionName].apply(store, args)
      } as StoreWithActions<A>[typeof actionName]

    const store: Store<S, A> = reactive({
    }) as Store<S, A>

    return store

That's it! A type safe store.


We created a type safe store. The types are a bit complex. We covered:

  • infer keyword
  • ThisType
  • Generics
  • Conditional types with extends
  • Intersections (&)

An improvement would be to add getters using Vue's computed function.

You can find the source code here.

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