Lachlan Miller

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Truly Modular Components with v-model

In this section we will author a reusable date component. Usage will be like this:

<date-time v-model="date" />

Where date can be... whatever you want. Some applications use the native JavaScript Date object (don't do this; it's not a fun experience). Older applications will often use Moment and newer ones common opt for Luxon. I'd like to support both - and any other library the user might choose to use! In other words, we want the component to be agnostic - it should not be coupled to a specific date time library.

You can find the completed source code, including exercise, here.

One way to handle this would be to pick a simple format of our own, for example YYYY-MM-DD, and then have the user wrap the component and provide their own integration layer. For example a user wanting to use Luxon might wrap <date-time> in their own <date-time-luxon> component:


import { ref } from 'vue'
import { DateTime } from 'luxon'

export default {
  setup() {
    return {
      date: ref(DateTime.local()),
      updateDate: (value) => {
        // some logic to turn value which is
        // YYYY-MM-DD into Luxon DateTime

This might work ok - now you can put your <luxon-date-time> on npm to share. But other people may have different ways they'd like to validate the date from v-model before calling updateValue or have a different opinion on the API <date-time-luxon> should support. Can we be more flexible ? What about moment? Do we need to make a <moment-date-time> component too?

This is not that easy to test, either. You will need to mount the component using something like Vue Test Utils just to test your parsing logic - again, not ideal. Of course we will need some integration tests to make sure it's working correctly, but I don't want to couple my business logic tests (eg, the parsing logic from updateDate using pure functions and Jest) to the UI layer tests (using Vue Test Utils).

The core problem of the "wrapper" solution is you are adding another abstraction, another layer. Not ideal. The problem that needs solving is serializing and deserializing v-model in a library agnostic way.

Here is the API I am proposing to make <date-time> truly agnostic, not needing to know the implementation details of the date library:


date can be whatever you want - serialize and deserialize will be the functions that tell <date-time> how to handle the value.

A diagram might make this more clear:

Foundations of v-model

Before starting the serialize functions, let's write the base for <date-time>. It will use v-model. This means we receive a modelValue prop and update the value by emitting a update:modelValue event. To keep things simple, I will just use 3 <input> elements for the year, month and day.

  <input :value="modelValue.year" @input="update($event, 'year')" />
  <input :value="modelValue.month" @input="update($event, 'month')" />
  <input :value="" @input="update($event, 'day')" />
date is:
{{ modelValue }} 

import { reactive, watch, computed } from 'vue'
import { DateTime } from 'luxon'

export default {
  props: {
    modelValue: {
      type: Object

  setup(props, { emit }) {
    const update = ($event, field) => {
      const { year, month, day } = props.modelValue
      let newValue
      if (field === 'year') {
        newValue = { year: $, month, day }
      if (field === 'month') {
        newValue = { year, month: $, day }
      if (field === 'day') {
        newValue = { year, month, day: $ }
      emit('update:modelValue', newValue)

    return {

Usage is like this:

  <date-time v-model="dateLuxon" />
  {{ dateLuxon }}

import { ref } from 'vue'
import dateTime from './date-time.vue'

export default {
  components: { DateTime },
  setup() {
    const dateLuxon = ref({
      year: '2020',
      month: '01',
      day: '01',

    return {

I called the variable dateLuxon since we will eventually change it to be a Luxon DateTime. For now it is just a plain JavaScript object, make reactive via ref. This is all standard - we made our custom component work with v-model by binding to :value with modelValue, and update the original value in the parent component with emit('update:modelValue').

Deerializing for modelValue

We have established the internal API, or how the <date-time> component will manage the value. For notation purposes, if we were to write an interface in TypeScript, it would look like this:

interface InternalDateTime {
  year?: string
  month?: string
  day?: string

We will now work on the deserialize prop, which will convert any string object (so a Luxon DateTime, a Moment moment) into an InternalDateTime .

Deserializing modelValue

Let's take Luxon's DateTime. You can create a new one like this:

import { DateTime } from 'luxon'

const date = DateTime.fromObject({
  year: '2020',
  month: '10',
  day: '02'

The goal is to get from our input to v-model, in this case a Luxon DateTime, to our internal representation, InternalDateTime. This conversion is trivial: from DateTime, you can just do date.get() passing in year, month or day. So our deserialize function looks like this:

// value is what is passed to `v-model`
// in this example a Luxon DateTime
// we need to return an InternalDateTime
export function deserialize(value) {
  return {
    year: value.get('year'),
    month: value.get('month'),
    day: value.get('day')

Let's update the usage:

  {{ dateLuxon }}

import { ref } from 'vue'
import dateTime from './date-time.vue'
import { DateTime } from 'luxon'

export function deserialize(value) {
  return {
    year: value.get('year'),
    month: value.get('month'),
    day: value.get('day')

export default {
  components: { dateTime },

  setup() {
    const dateLuxon = ref(DateTime.fromObject({
      year: '2019',
      month: '01',
      day: '01',

    return {

Next, update <date-time> to use the new deserialize prop:

  <input :value="date.year" @input="update($event, 'year')" />
  <input :value="date.month" @input="update($event, 'month')" />
  <input :value="" @input="update($event, 'day')" />
date is:
{{ date }} 

import { reactive, computed } from 'vue'

export default {
  props: {
    modelValue: {
      type: Object
    deserialize: {
      type: Function

  setup(props, { emit }) {
    const date = computed(() => {
      return props.deserialize(props.modelValue)

    const update = ($event, field) => {
      const { year, month, day } = props.deserialize(props.modelValue)
      // ...

    // ...

    return {

The main changes are we now need to use a computed property for modelValue, to ensure it is correctly transformed into our InternalDateTime representation. We also need to deserialize the modelValue in the update function when preparing to update modelValue.

This implementation currently works - kind of - it displays the correct values in the <input> elements, but you cannot update the value. We need the opposite of deserialize - serialize.

Serializing modelValue

We need to ensure are calling emit('update:modelValue') with a Luxon DateTime now, not an InternalDateTime object. Let's see how we can write a serialize function to transform the value. It's simple. Luxon's DateTime.fromObject happens to take an object with the same shape as our InternalDateTime. We will see a more complex example with the moment integration.

function serialize(value) {
  return DateTime.fromObject(value)

Again, update the usage.

  {{ dateLuxon }}

import { ref } from 'vue'
import dateTime from './date-time.vue'
import { DateTime } from 'luxon'

// ...

function serialize(value) {
  return DateTime.fromObject(value)

export default {

    // ...

    return {

Next, we need to call serialize every time we try to update modelValue. Update <date-time>:

  <!-- omitted for brevity -->

import { computed } from 'vue'
import { DateTime } from 'luxon'

export default {
  props: {
    modelValue: {
      type: Object
    serialize: {
      type: Function
    deserialize: {
      type: Function

  setup(props, { emit }) {
    // ...

    const update = ($event, field) => {
      const { year, month, day } = props.deserialize(props.modelValue)
      let newValue

      // ...

      emit('update:modelValue', props.serialize(newValue))

    return {

It works! Kind of - as long as you only enter value numbers. If you enter a 0 for the day, all the inputs show NaN. We need some error handling.

Error Handling

In the case of an error - either we could not serialize or deserialize the value - we will just return the current input value, and give the user a chance to fix things.

Let's update serialize to be more defensive:

function serialize(value) {
  try {
    const obj = DateTime.fromObject(value)
    if (obj.invalid) {
  } catch {

  return DateTime.fromObject(value)

In the case that we failed to serialize the value, we just return undefined. Update the emit in <date-time> to use this new logic; if the value is invalid, we simply do not update modelValue:

export default {
  props: {
      // ...

  setup(props, { emit }) {
    // ...
    const update = ($event, field) => {
      const { year, month, day } = props.modelValue
      let newValue

      // ...

      const asObject = props.serialize(newValue)
      if (!asObject) {
      emit('update:modelValue', asObject)

    return {

Great! Now everything works correctly, and <date-time> will only update modelValue if the date is valid. This behavior is a design decision I made; you could do something different depending on how you would like your <date-time> to work.


  • We did not add any tests for serialize or deserialize; they are pure functions, so adding some is trivial. See the source code for some tests.
  • Add support for another date library, like moment. Support for moment is implemented in the source code.
  • Add hours, minutes, seconds, and AM/PM support.
  • Write some tests with Vue Test Utils; you can use setValue to update the value of the <input> elements.

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