2022 in Summary

2022 was an exciting year for me in several areas:

Career and Software

I remained at Cypress during 2022. Component Testing, the main product I work on, finally became mature enough to be considered "Generally Available". I also got promoted to "technical lead". I'll still code a lot, but have more responsibility to plan and drive large technical changes. I also get paid more money.

I continued working on various OSS projects, mainly around Vue, Test Utils and Cypress. I've also got a few side projects, the most interesting is a rhythm game for the web. The working title is Eleutheria.

Content Creation

I re-recorded one of my Udemy courses, "Vue.js 3: The Compostion API". I included a detailed breakdown of how they sold last year, and I'll do the same here. I primarily sell my courses through Udemy now - I get a lesser cut than using Gumroad or my Vue.js Course site, but Udemy's platform has many great features, like Q&A, student communication, etc.

It is difficult to get a proper report of profit / course from Udemy, so I'll just include the combined total for both my courses - "Vue.js: The Composition API" and "Complete Vue.js 3".

Year Net Earnings
2021 $7967
2022 $9087

I made more this year, despite spending less time on the courses (I only re-recorded one, and did so in a single week). I hope this will continue - I still intend to re-record my courses to keep them up to date.

My first book, Design Patterns for Vue.js, continued selling. It's a bit dated now - the ideas are still relevant, but Vuex has been replaced by Pinia, etc. I should update it!

Year Net Earnings
2021 $5120
2022 $2749

I also solid about $1500 of courses on Gumroad - nice!

My total earnings for 2021 vs 2022:

Year Net Earnings
2021 $15021
2022 $13565

$13565 is a non-trivial amount of money - I'm really privledged and honored to make money doing two things I love to do - coding and teaching.

I also continued growing my internet presence via my YouTube channel.

Here's a graphic:

Nice! I feel like I spent less time on YT content (I could be wrong) in 2022, but my views and subscribers grew. I did "Advent of Vue 2022" towards the end, which led to a big increase in traffic.

I do enjoy making YT content, but I'm getting busier lately and had less time to commit to it. I hope to keep recording content, though, even if it's not on a regular basis.


A big year on a personal basis, too.

Borders are Open!

The world is slowly starting to open up again. I went to South Korea and watched the LOL MSI 2022 event in Busan!


I finished my landscaping -- or, at least, the turf. Looks great. It was a lot of work - mainly moving soil around. I moved about 40T of soil using a shoel and wheelbarrow.

Communication Skills

I continued participating in a weekly bookclub with my friends, where we study communication skills, empathy and leadership. Here's the books/articles we studied:

Date Topic
2022/01/11 Tacit Knowledge
2022/01/18 A Guide to the Good Life
2022/01/25 Creativity, Inc.
2022/02/15 The Phoenix Project
2022/02/22 High-Impact Tools for Teams
2022/03/08 Introverts and Extroverts in the Workplace
2022/03/15 Leaders Eat Last
2022/03/22 Lincoln on Leadership
2022/03/29 Why It’s Important To Know Your Strengths And Weaknesses
2022/05/03 Top 10 Negotiation Skills You Must Learn to Succeed
2022/05/10 Collaborative Intelligence
2022/05/17 The surprising reason people change their minds
2022/06/07 Self Reflection
2022/06/21 Do I Make Myself Clear
2022/07/05 8 Tips on How To Manage Up Successfully
2022/07/12 Forgiveness
2022/07/19 Serve Up, Coach Down
2022/08/09 How to Leave Your Comfort Zone and Enter Your ‘Growth Zone’
2022/08/16 The Art of Public Speaking
2022/08/23 How to Take Smart Notes
2022/08/30 On Empathy
2022/09/06 4 Negotiation Skills EVERYONE Should Know
2022/09/13 Why communication goes wrong...and how to fix it
2022/09/20 5 Questions to Coach Yourself
2022/10/18 What Self-Awareness Really Is
2022/10/25 The Art of Giving and Receiving Advice
2022/11/08 How to train yourself to be more patient
2022/11/15 The essential foundation for every 1 on 1 relationship
2022/11/22 Lighthouse Leadership Tips
2022/12/06 How Leaders Create and Use Networks
2022/12/20 Reflecting on 2022

I learned a lot about communication, empathy and how to be more open minded. Moving into 2023, we decided to shift our focus onto more business focused topics. Our first topic is starting a small project using the philosphies described in The Lean Startup. We are writing a newsletter about Australian Biotech news - you can find the webpage for TBC Bio here.

I also read a bunch of books - not all of these were in 2022, but a lot were:


The cats are doing well. Moa even managed to have one of her photos go viral!


Our son was born this year! I'm not far in, but so far it's immensely challenging and satisfying.


I cook most days now. The dishes I am most confident and proud of are easy once - Carbonara and various Risotto dishes. I'd like to keep getting better at cooking.

Moving Forward

I'm excited for 2023. I'd like to keep up with:

As well as start/continue some new things:

Until next year!